Here is a short explanation of the facilities offered at Sunningdale School
Soft Play:
Soft play is an exciting area in school that provides opportunities for children to develop new experiences and games whilst working on their physio programmes. The plastic slide, caterpillar slide and rocking floor mats provides a new sensation of movement for children to experience, whilst the net area is a challenging area for children to negotiate. Each class have opportunities to take part in soft play for curriculum purposes and as part of a reward system.
Sensory Garden:
We have a sensory garden which provides a tranquil area for the children to use all their senses. There are herbs to smell, different texture plants to feel whilst listening to the water feature or the birds on the bird table. There are fruit trees which the children enjoy picking apples and pears to make different desserts.
Each key stage has a small allotment where they are able to grow different fruits and vegetables. The children and staff enjoy discovering what has grown and tasting the home grown food, however there can sometimes be competition between the classes!
Sensory Trail:
There is a sensory trail on the back field that starts with tunnels lit with coloured lights under the trees and ends at the beach. The children are able to travel along the trail feeling the different textures on the ground and the different plants and objects, whilst moving up and down on the bridge and through the willow tunnel. There is a shed in the middle of the trail which can be used as an outside classroom. The sensory trail is used as a resource to deliver the curriculum outside.
Play Areas:
There are two play areas in the school grounds. The first play area is next to the back field and is a wheelchair accessible play area, providing access for all on the swings and roundabout whilst children can play the xylophone or megaphones outside. The second play area is located next to the playground which provides a challenging climbing frame with ladders, climbing wall, fireman's pole, a slide and bridge, with picnic benches underneath. Next to the climbing frame is a bird's nest swing in which all children have access to.
All classrooms have their own individual outside play areas to deliver the curriculum outside by providing independent and focused activities.
Learning Lab:
This is an area of the school where children and staff are encouraged to be creative. Abstract resources are used by the children to develop their creative behaviours such as being curious, problem solving, independent and to take risks. Staff are encouraged to observe and build on the actions and learning of the pupils through modelling and questioning.
Staff also have an opportunity to experiment with the resources and activities and replicate them into the classroom.