Early Years 1 - Jan Patterson and Teresa Allen
EY1 - Jan Patterson and Teresa Allen
Spring Term 2013
Our themes this term are Feelings and books. We have learned about the facial expressions for different feelings; happy, sad, worried, tired, excited and thoughtful.
Here are some of the children making faces for different feelings
We are really excited about our new electronic interactive screen in the classroom, new climbing frame, dressing up trolley with superhero outfits and our perspex drawing frame that we can use inside and outside.
Autumn Term 1 2012
Welcome to a new school year in Early Years 1. There have been a lot of changes since the Summer Term.
We now have two classes in Early Years, which are growing in numbers. Everyone has settled well and we are all having fun getting to know new adults and children.
We are focusing our learning around Faces and Bodies this half term, learning about ourselves and our peers. We have taken part in lots of exciting activities and visits.
Our favourite visit has been to 'The Weebles' at South Shields