Tyne and Wear
Doxford Park Way
Phone: 0191 5280440
Paper copies of the information on our website can be requested from the school office.
Language & Learning Partnership
The Language and Learning Partnership (LLP) is a multi-agency partnership between staff from the LA Education Specialist Support Services and the Complex Language and Learning Team from the Speech and Language Therapy Service.
We have been working closely with the other Local Authority outreach teams in line with the introduction of the ranges to Sunderland Schools. Children will need to be working at least within the top end of range 3 to access the service. There is a new referral form linked below which will need to be completed and returned to Please ensure the form is filled in correctly with a support plan attached in order that we can proceed with referrals otherwise we may need to return them for further information.
Download the referral form :- PDF Format Word Format
Details of upcoming courses :-