Tyne and Wear
Doxford Park Way
Phone: 0191 5280440
Paper copies of the information on our website can be requested from the school office.
How does school transport work?
Paul Tomlin at SEN transport arranges the transport. The driver & escort will contact parents before the child starts school to introduce themselves and to arrange times to collect the child in the mornings and drop off the child in the afternoon. All drivers & escorts are regulated through the authority and have DBS clearance.
How much is a school dinner?
At the moment school dinners cost £2.50 per day / £12.50 per week. All monies to be paid online.
Do the children have to wear a school uniform?
This is not compulsory. Uniform consists of sweatshirt / cardigan in navy blue & royal blue, polo shirt in gold and sky blue. School uniform is available from Little Gems in High Street Sunderland, The Galleries Washington and Peterlee or visit their web site.
What are the term dates?
Please see holiday form. Inset days are marked with a square.
Can I take my child on holiday in school term time?
We advise that you do not take your child out of school on holiday during term time. It is really important that your child attends school as often as possible, as regular attendance will support your child making maximum progress.
If an absence in term time is unavoidable (exceptional circumstances) then you will need to write a letter to the Head Teacher seeking permission and outlining the reasons for your request. You will need to be aware that your request may not be granted.
Do I need to let the school know if my child is going to be absent?
Can parents ring school on the first day of their child’s illness. Can parents also let school know if their child has any medical appointments in school time.